about me.... i live in the seashore of knuckle city... well i say live but i actually just chill around the place lol...
knuckle city is awesome there's lotsof cool stuff here.. theres these places call gas stations an they have machines that give you tons of soda... you can pay for them if you want but i always just walk out and nobody cares lol.. its cool
theres a ton of toursists that come over durnig the summer time and they always wanna take pics with me.. theyre cool lol. it gets real hot during summer but as long as i drink enough fluids im good.....im like 99 percent water lol..
btw im a jellyfish lol.. its pretty sweet.... apprantly a lot of other jellyfish will sting you if you touch theyre tentacles but i dont lol.... i can do it on command and stuff so dont worry we can high figve if u want (i love high figivng its awesome)
anyawys yeah that's about it.. i don't own a c omputer so im making this page at the libbrary lol.. sory if you send me mesages and stuff i may not see it.....